Post Bariatric Circumferential Tummy Tuck: What You Need to Know

After bariatric surgery, loose skin is very common. There are several body contouring procedures available to remove this excess skin. One of the most commonly requested surgeries among post-bariatric patients is a circumferential tummy tuck. Before you schedule your appointment to learn more about this procedure, here are a few things you should know.

What is a Circumferential Tummy Tuck?

A standard tummy tuck is a common procedure that tightens and tones the abdominal region by making an incision low in the abdominal region from hip to hip. Through this incision, the stomach muscles are tightened, and loose or excess skin and fat are removed to create a smoother, more athletic appearance.

For circumferential tummy tucks, the incision is extended around the body so that loose skin and excess tissue can be removed from the hips, buttocks, and lower back as well as the abdominal region. This means that the results from a circumferential tummy tuck are more comprehensive, and candidates will see changes throughout more of the lower body. Circumferential tummy tucks are good options for patients with more extensive loose skin in the abdominal, hips, and buttock area.

Who is a Candidate for Circumferential Tummy Tuck?

Circumferential tummy tucks are generally performed after a patient has lost a significant amount of weight, resulting in loose skin and laxity in abdominal muscles. This is especially true of patients who have had bariatric surgery to lose weight.

Before having a circumferential tummy tuck, you should be at or near a healthy and stable weight. While some fat is removed during the procedure, remember that it is not a weight loss surgery. Dr. Erella will determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure after evaluating your health during a consultation appointment.

How to Prepare for Circumferential Tummy Tuck

Before your circumferential tummy tuck surgery, be sure that you have a thorough understanding of the procedure and what to expect. You can ask any questions you might have during a consultation appointment.

Circumferential tummy tuck surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so you will need to arrange for a trusted friend or family member to assist you during the initial days of the recovery period. During the initial days of the recovery period, you will probably need to have help with everyday tasks as well.

The night before your surgery, you should also stop eating and drinking in preparation for the procedure. You should also shower using an antibacterial soap to prepare and avoid taking medications that cause excess bleeding like aspirin or ibuprofen. Dr. Erella will go over all these details prior to your operation.

Recovery After Circumferential Tummy Tuck

After a circumferential tummy tuck, you can expect some swelling and discomfort. These can be treated by wearing compression garments and taking pain medication as instructed. You may also have drains in place to help you avoid excess fluid buildup. During the recovery period, you can expect to rest and wait to resume exercise routines for about four to six weeks after the procedure. Many patients return to work within about two weeks.

Patients should note that recovery from a circumferential tummy tuck is longer than a standard tummy tuck procedure. Typically, residual swelling can persist for up to 3-6 months after the surgery. Dr. Erella will explain what you can expect during recovery and will be present for all your post-op consultations.

Schedule a Consultation

If you believe you may be a candidate for a circumferential tummy tuck, schedule a consultation with Dr. Erella at Aspira Plastic Surgery in Austin, Texas. You can schedule your appointment by calling our office at (512) 593-7699 or requesting an appointment online.