Tumescent Liposuction ? Body Contouring Austin

Stubborn fat frequently overstays its welcome. To deal with this unwanted guest, many undergo liposuction surgery. There are many different liposuction options, one of which is called tumescent liposuction.

The tumescent liposuction solution is comprised of epinephrine and lidocaine. These two components address different aspects of the liposuction procedure. Epinephrine helps to reduce the amount of bleeding that takes place during the treatment, and lidocaine numbs the area that will be suctioned. This solution is injected at the start of the procedure.

Dr. Venkata Erella is a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Austin area. Dr. Erella can answer any questions you may have about liposuction treatment options, including tumescent liposuction. Contact our office today to set up an appointment for a consultation.