Why Winter is the Best Time for SmartLipo

Body contouring procedures are popular among women and men looking to reshape their bodies when diet and exercise fall short. Whether because of excess skin from significant weight loss, stubborn fat pads in specific areas, or the overall body outline needs addressing, many in the Austin area seek the expertise of Dr. Venkata Erella.

Now that we are well into winter, there is no better time to consider plastic surgery to address your cosmetic concerns. And one of Aspira’s most popular body sculpting procedures is SmartLipo.

What is SmartLipo?

With all the recent innovations in plastic surgery, it is essential to stay informed about new techniques and technology. For example, SmartLipo is a relatively new type of liposuction, first approved by the FDA in 2007.

This advanced aesthetic enhancement is a less invasive form of liposuction to remove fat from target areas. It employs laser lipolysis technology to liquefy unwanted fat to make its removal more manageable and less traumatic to existing tissue. It also helps revive the body’s natural elasticity by boosting collagen and elastin production.

Why SmartLipo?

Unlike other traditional modes of liposuction, SmartLipo uses a high-powered laser. This state-of-the-art laser melts excess fat, leaves blood vessels intact, and minimizes bruising.

Other advantages of the SmartLipo include:

  • Makes smaller incisions for minimal scarring
  • Minimizes trauma to surrounding tissue
  • Makes unwanted fat easier to remove
  • Produces collagen to naturally tighten surface skin tissue
  • Quick and convenient treatment
  • Recovery is faster and more comfortable

Why Winter?

Although SmartLipo is available in Austin year-round, several factors make winter the ideal time to undergo liposuction. Here are a few:

  • Though SmartLipo is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure, some bruising and swelling should be expected. This means there is a recovery period. In addition, winter is a time for vacation for many people in Austin, an excellent time to spend time at home to heal after the procedure.
  • Winter also means heavier, bulkier clothes that can help hide evidence of your surgery during the recovery.
  • People spend more time outdoors with many social activities planned during spring and summer. Winter is the perfect time to prepare to look your best for these upcoming events.

Spending less time outdoors during the colder months will reduce the chances of getting too much sun. This helps your body recover faster and protects the incisions from sun damage.

The Most Important Factor – Partner with an Expert

While SmartLipo does provide inherent advantages over traditional types of liposuction, the most crucial factor is the skill of your plastic surgeon. The best medical technology offers little unless your physician is well trained, is board-certified, and has extensive experience with the procedure.

With over 25 years of practice as a surgeon, Dr. Erella is double board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in many types of body contouring, including SmartLipo. Dr. Erella has earned numerous awards and distinctions for his expertise, but beyond that, he truly cares about each of his patients. He will go out of his way to ensure that they receive the best possible care under his watch.

SmartLipo Consultation in Austin

Dr. Erella offers a customized consultation process, allowing his patients to ask questions and voice their concerns. This time is designed for our patients to become entirely informed about the procedure to ensure it will achieve their aesthetic needs.

The consultation also allows you to become involved with creating your surgical plan. Dr. Erella will base his procedural blueprint on patient age, health, anatomy, and realistic expectations.To schedule your SmartLipo Consultation contact Dr. Erella today.